Feulner, Ed

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Feulner, Ed
Gender male
Leading employee in Acton Institute, Council for National Policy, Fundacion Burke, Heritage Foundation, Mont Pelerin Society, National Chamber Foundation
Staff member in Center for Strategic and International Studies, Mont Pelerin Society, Philadelphia Society
Advisory Board member in Fundacion Internacional para la Libertad
Supervisory Board member in Hayek Institute

Ed Feulner is a member of the bord of directors of the Hayek Institute.


In this section we list interesting things that still have to be researched further, or that do not fit into the other sections.
CV of Ed Feulner, including a list of publications.

Influence fields of Person

In this section we try to document where the person has which influence.

Leading employee in corporation

Leading employee in academia

Leading employee in politics

Leading employee in the NGO sphere

Author in the media sphere

Consultant in the politics sphere

Consultant in the NGO sphere

Interviewed in media sphere

Membership in the academia sphere

Employee in politics sphere

  • http://www.gop.gov/ (formerly), Congressional aide to the Republican congressman Melvin Laird
  • http://www.house.gov/ (1999-2000; 2005), Member of the Meltzer Commission and of the Gingrich-Mitchell Congressional U.N. Reform Task Force

Notes on the influence fields

Often people are present in various fields, but there presence can't be connected to specific actors (e.g. it is often senseless to connect the media presence of politicians to particular newspapers). We use this section to document these unspecific, but nonetheless important presences.


Looking Back (Heritage Foundation, 1981). ASIN B0006E54OC Conservatives Stalk the House (Green Hill, 1983). ISBN 0-89803-112-5 The March of Freedom (Spence Publishing Company, 1998). ISBN 978-0-9653208-8-7 Intellectual Pilgrims (Mont Pelerin Society, 1999). ISBN 978-0-89195-079-0 Leadership for America: The Principles of Conservatism (Spence Publishing Company, 2000). ISBN 978-1-890626-22-8 Getting America Right (Co-author Doug Wilson) (Crown Forum, 2006). ISBN 978-0-307-33691-0
