Ostrom, Elinor

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Ostrom, Elinor
Gender male
Advisory Board member in Center for Institutional Analysis and Development
Supervisory Board member in Center for Institutional Analysis and Development

Elinor Ostrom was member of the advisory board and of the supervisory board of the Center for Institutional Analysis and Development (CADI). She won the Nobel prize laureate in economic sciences in 2009. She died in 2012.

Influence fields of Person

In this section we try to document where the person has which influence.

Leading employee in academia

  • http://www.asu.edu/, Founding Director of the Center for the Study of Institutional Diversity at Arizona State University

Consultant in academia

Membership in the academia sphere

Employee in academia sphere

  • http://www.iub.edu/, Arthur F. Bentley Professor of Political Science and Co-Director of the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis at Indiana University in Bloomington
  • http://www.vt.edu, Lead researcher for the Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management Collaborative Research Support Program, Virginia Tech

Notes on the influence fields

Often people are present in various fields, but there presence can't be connected to specific actors (e.g. it is often senseless to connect the media presence of politicians to particular newspapers). We use this section to document these unspecific, but nonetheless important presences.





e transna{\c{t}}ionale, Editura All Beck},

 author={Munteanu, C. and Horobe{\c{t}}, A.},



 title={Economics and religion--a personalist perspective},
 author={Comsa, P. and Munteanu, C.}

