Institute for Labour Studies (ILS)

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Institute for Labour Studies (ILS)
founded in the year 2012
City Ljubljana
Country Slovenia
address Miklošičeva 38 SI-1000 Ljubljana
Networks transform!, Think Tank
Last revision 1.05.2015
Output of Institute for Labour Studies (ILS) 2023
<pbars ymin=0 ytitle="count" xtitle="Kind of Output" angle=90 colors=80B3E6 size=330x250>

Books, Peer reviewed pubs., Studies, Articles, Policy papers, Op-eds, Newspaper articles, Blogs, Periodicals, Podcasts (audio), Podcasts (video), Conferences, Seminars/workshops, Lecturers/talks, Briefings, Others, </pbars>

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Slovene: Inštitut za delavske študije (IDŠ) was founded by members of Workers and Punks’ University (DPU). Its boards unite more than twenty students, activists and researchers who are predominantly of Marxist orientation. Our mission is to rehabilitate Marxist critique of political economy in Slovenian academic and public discourse and to establish a socialist political position in the Slovenian political space. For that purpose, we cooperate mostly with Workers and Punks’ University (WPU) and with Publishing House Naprej!. Together we constitute an institutional front that is organizing lectures, public debates, and conferences, publishing books and an academic journal Borec (Fighter).

The institute has observer status to the transform! Europe-network.

Organizational Structure and Funding


Miklošičeva 38 SI-1000 Ljubljana



People working for the Think Tank (Fellows etc.). This includes also part-time employees.


We used the DGs of the EU to generate a basic list of topics. This list is going to be steadily extended. However we try to preserve a persistent list of topics.
