Fondazione Critica Liberale

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Fondazione Critica Liberale
founded in the year 1994
City Rome
Country Italy
address Via delle Carrozze 19, 00187 Roma
Virtual Networks A "Virtual Network" is a group of Think Tanks identified by certain semantic and normative (ideological) commonalities (e.g. climate change scepticism). Such a virtual network constitutes a research field that differs from the study of formal networks. Formal networks are real in the sense of officially acknowledged and immediately open to empirical validation. Virtual networks on the other hand display shared ideas. Social network analysis tools can be applied to find out if or to what extent virtual networks are real networks that display linkages (membership in networks, personnel, resources etc.). Unconnected think tanks in turn can be considered special cases in need of explanation independent from network structures (unless we have to assume invisible, hidden or covered ties). European Liberal Forum, Think Tank, European Network of Political Foundations (ENOP)
Last revision 1.05.2015
Output of Fondazione Critica Liberale 2024
<pbars ymin=0 ytitle="count" xtitle="Kind of Output" angle=90 colors=80B3E6 size=330x250>

Books, Peer reviewed pubs., Studies, Articles, Policy papers, Op-eds, Newspaper articles, Blogs, Periodicals, Podcasts (audio), Podcasts (video), Conferences, Seminars/workshops, Lecturers/talks, Briefings, Others, </pbars>

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The Fondazione Critica Liberale was established in January 1994. The Foundation aim is to promote liberalism through the organization of conferences, seminars, research and study activities, workshops and meetings.
The Foundation is actively involved in publishing of contributions and in the promotion of research studies and debates. The Foundation publishes the monthly review "Critica Liberale" and its quarterly supplement "Gli Stati Uniti d’Europa". The Foundation is also editor of the collection "Libelli vecchi e nuovi”, published by Dedalo Editore, and of several books and publications.
The Foundation collaborates with Consulta Laica of Rome and with Coordinamento Nazionale delle Consulte Laiche of Italy. The Foundation has created, together with “Ufficio Nuovi diritti” of CGIL association, the 'Observatory on secularization", that realizes a yearly research on secularization in Italy and organizes the meetings "Conversazioni laiche". Critica Liberale Foundation is member of CRIC, Coordination of Italian culture magazines.
The Foundation is co-founder of the European Liberal Forum asbl.

Organizational Structure and Funding


Via delle Carrozze 19, 00187 Roma


Executive board

People leading the Think Tank in the day to day business (CEOs, directorates etc.).


We used the DGs of the EU to generate a basic list of topics. This list is going to be steadily extended. However we try to preserve a persistent list of topics.
