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(Created page with "{{Think Tank |Location=47.514308;19.104133 |Stadt=Budapest |Land=Hungary |Website=http://jozsefattilaalapitvany.hu/ |Adresse=1145 Budapest, Thököly út 127 |automatische Ein...")
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|Value=Szekeres, Imre
|Value=Szekeres, Imre
<!--László Andor is the EU Commissioner of Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. In 2005 he became a Member of the Board of Directors of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in London. He has been politically active since 2002, when he became a member of the Budapest Municipality’s Committee for European Integration and Foreign Affairs. Between 2002 and 2007 he was a Member of the Board of József Attila Foundation, a social democratic think tank (2002-2007) and since 2005 he has been a member of the Board of the Economic Section of the Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP) and editor of its economic journal “Standpoints". László Andor is also Associate professor at the Economics Department at the Corvinus University of Budapest (currently on unpaid leave) and at the King Sigismund College (currently on unpaid leave). <http://www.gini-research.org/system/uploads/20/original/GINI_Kick-off_Programme_FINAL.pdf>, p. 4-->
<!--László Andor is the EU Commissioner of Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. In 2005 he became a Member of the Board of Directors of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in London. He has been politically active since 2002, when he became a member of the Budapest Municipality’s Committee for European Integration and Foreign Affairs. Between 2002 and 2007 he was a Member of the Board of József Attila Foundation, a social democratic think tank (2002-2007) and since 2005 he has been a member of the Board of the Economic Section of the Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP) and editor of its economic journal “Standpoints". László Andor is also Associate professor at the Economics Department at the Corvinus University of Budapest (currently on unpaid leave) and at the King Sigismund College (currently on unpaid leave). <http://www.gini-research.org/system/uploads/20/original/GINI_Kick-off_Programme_FINAL.pdf>, p. 4
Barabás János
2006. január 1. vasárnap 23:59:00
- 2002-től HUNGEXPO Vásár és Reklám Rt. vezérigazgató, majd az Igazgatóság alelnöke
- 1999-2002. József Attila Alapítvány, kuratóriumi elnök, a társadalompolitikai elemző központ vezetője
- 1999-2002. Transelektro Rt. , elnöki főtanácsadó
- 1994-1999. Ganz Ansaldo Villamossági Rt., az igazgatóság elnöke
- 1996-1999. CAOLA Kozmetikai Rt. igazgatósági alelnök (1996-1999.)
- 1990-1994. Intercontact Kft. magyar-kanadai tanácsadó vegyesvállalat résztulajdonos ügyvezetője
- 1971-1989. vezető politikai tisztségek
Iskolai végzettségek:
- 1992. York Egyetem, Toronto, MBA kurzus
- 1989. Társadalomtudományi Akadémia, Moszkva a szociológiatudomány (gazdaságszociológia) kandidátusa (PhD)
- 1975. ELTE (Budapest), szociológus
- 1970. Bárczi Gusztáv Tanárképző Főiskola, tanár
Idegen nyelvtudás:
angol, orosz, francia
Egyéb jelenlegi funkciók:
- UFI Kiállításszervezők Nemzetközi Szövetsége alelnök, a végrehajtó bizottság tagja
- Szerencsejáték Rt., FB elnök
- Csákvár Mezőgazdasági Rt., FB elnök
- Magyar Kiállítás és Vásárszervezők Szövetsége, elnök
- József Attila Alapítvány, kuratóriumi elnök
- Magyar Munkaadók és Gyáriparosok Országos Szövetsége, az etikai bizottság tagja
- Magyar Külkereskedelmi Szövetség, FB tag
Család: házas, 2 gyermek <http://www.mfor.hu/cikkek/Barabas_Janos.html>

Revision as of 15:46, 28 April 2015

József Attila Foundation
City Budapest
Country Hungary
Website http://jozsefattilaalapitvany.hu/
address 1145 Budapest, Thököly út 127
Last revision 28.04.2015
Output of József Attila Foundation 2023
<pbars ymin=0 ytitle="count" xtitle="Kind of Output" angle=90 colors=80B3E6 size=330x250>

Books, Peer reviewed pubs., Studies, Articles, Policy papers, Op-eds, Newspaper articles, Blogs, Periodicals, Podcasts (audio), Podcasts (video), Conferences, Seminars/workshops, Lecturers/talks, Briefings, Others, </pbars>

The following coordinate was not recognized: 47.514308;19.104133.The following coordinate was not recognized: 47.514308;19.104133.
is a think tank close to the social democrat MSZP.

Organizational Structure and Funding


1145 Budapest, Thököly út 127


Executive board

People leading the Think Tank in the day to day business (CEOs, directorates etc.).


We used the DGs of the EU to generate a basic list of topics. This list is going to be steadily extended. However we try to preserve a persistent list of topics.
